The 30 Computers Sculpture Project
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Digital Womb (2008)

Digital Womb (2008) is a sculpture composed of cardboard boxes used to ship and deliver computers; when these boxes are first opened and the computers emerge, the useful lives of the computers begin. The sculpture itself, measuring 5' by 5' by 8', is composed of five boxes, or cubes. The four corners of each cube are on hinges and each cube can be opened and attached with other cubes. The five cubes together have a total of 20 corners, and combining the 20 corners together forms a polyhedron which I am calling a Cubiakis Icosahedron.

Digital Womb (Skin in background) In Progress
Digital Womb with Skin in background Digital Womb in progress
Digital Womb along Potomac River Showing the Insides of Digital Womb
(and the top of my head)
Digital Womb with Skin in background Digital Womb in progress
Digital Womb at Sunrise
(Tyson's Corner)
The Awaking of Digital Womb
(Spring Hill)
Digital Womb with Skin in background Digital Womb in progress

From Five Cubes
* A mock-up at different stages of assembly demonstrating how Digital Womb is composed of five cubes.

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